Monday, December 28, 2009

Pitts bites it.

Time of death : believed to be sometime in Sept 2009.

Flying out back of the shop can be rewarding. But when your radio goes bad there's nothing rewarding about that.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Top That! TREX600E bites the mud??

TOD (Time of Death) 13:35 12/24/2009

Above is the crash site, that is smoke from the battery in the lower right of the picture.

Pronunciation: \di-ˈmä-lish\
Function: transitive verb
1 a : tear down, raze b : to break to pieces : smash
2 a : to do away with : destroy b : to strip of any pretense of merit or credence
— de·mol·ish·er noun
— de·mol·ish·ment \-lish-mənt\ noun

I, (referred to as the demolisher from this point on), was flying my TREX600CF (referred to as the demolishment from that point on) on Christmas eve , coming out of a tail slide with a lot of speed, rolled it upside down and prio it coming left to right. Then I think to myself, prio flip on the move, yeah that would be cool. Mind you I've never done that before. The results are self explanatory as the demolisher, demolished the demolishment.

Just goes to show ya, start talking about cashing and it will happen.

Merry Xmas all!! 12/24/09.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Winter Flying has it's issues.

Winter flying causes this lgo to go down near Fruitland. Trying out some different gloves to try and keep them fingers warm. The gloves turned out to be too thick and awkward so this pilot literally fat fingered the throttle hold switch. It happened so fast that the pilot was kind of dumbfounded and didn’t set up for an auto so it went straight in.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

All good things come to an end.

"All good things come to an end." is what my friend emailed me on this faithful day when his comp Yak bit the dust.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sudden Death.

Man this would suck if this was the first time they had it out to test it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Who is flyin' in your neighborhood?

Me! but no longer. I use to take great joy flying my T-Rex 450 in my neighborhood. It started as a place to hover, fly around a bit, work on forward flight. But as my skills and confidence increased figure 8’s got faster and more aggressive, rolls, flips came into play shortly after. Then came inverted flight, then small games of how close can I come to the tree, how long before I pull out of a slide and more.

Flying up and down the street into the cul-de-sac, letting it hang out. Then working on “death spirals” while standing on my porch. Then it happened, I came out of a death spiral inverted and the belt snapped.

Lucky, it was head towards my house and hit my roof. No damage to the home, not too much the heli but I learned a valuable lesson after that crash. I have out grown flying in my hood. Hovering, forward flight but the rest has to wait until I hit the flying field.

Yes, I learned that pushing your luck isn’t something you want to do no matter how good you get.

Give me a couple weeks to forget…..hahaha

Keep them in the air!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Trex 600 CF – “When gravity attacks.”

It started one beautiful day in Ontario as two guys, two helis and itch to let it all hang out charged their batteries and fueled their tanks for what was supposed to be a great flying day, little did they know not everyone was coming home that day.

As they let their helis rip the sky getting closer and closer to the ground, enjoying the thrill and adrenaline rush with each pass, but little did they know they angered the gravity gods with each trick until one fatal pass.

As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words:” so we’ll let them tell the story……….

Lesson learned? Helis go down, so you may as well have fun and be a good sport about it.
*Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We invite you to join us in mourning the loss of a good friend and teacher the MX400 Heli

I love my RCs as much (or more)as my kids. Heck I even name them.

Well I never got time to name this Heli. He was rebuilt from parts here and there, something a friend and I enjoy doing. We got this thing flying real good, not as good as my T-Rex 450 V2 but it was flying good.

Then I was getting a little cocky doing some stall turns and seeing how fast I could go, how many pirouettes I could do from the tree line to the ground, I counted 6 and a half before tragedy stuck. The ground gods had reached their limit, had their fill of me taunting them with each pirouette. Before I realized what was going on the ground gods reached out, grabbed it and beat the $%## out of it.

Debris field of over 60 feet! I hit so hard the lipo cells shifted to one side like a deck of cards, a servo came loose from the body, chip out of the center of the auto gear, broke the cable tie for the esc and striped the wires, feather shaft bent, main shaft bent, tail shaft bent, body bent badly, any thing called fin or blade broke. Rudder servo mount broke off on one side. Amazingly the boom seemed ok?!?!?

As fun as it was to fly that Heli we must ask ourselves was this a well thought out murder, man slaughter, on purpose, or a simple mistake?

Only god, the pilot and the deceased know for sure. Hahahahaha Damn it anyway!