I love my RCs as much (or more)as my kids. Heck I even name them.
Well I never got time to name this Heli. He was rebuilt from parts here and there, something a friend and I enjoy doing. We got this thing flying real good, not as good as my T-Rex 450 V2 but it was flying good.
Then I was getting a little cocky doing some stall turns and seeing how fast I could go, how many pirouettes I could do from the tree line to the ground, I counted 6 and a half before tragedy stuck. The ground gods had reached their limit, had their fill of me taunting them with each pirouette. Before I realized what was going on the ground gods reached out, grabbed it and beat the $%## out of it.
Debris field of over 60 feet! I hit so hard the lipo cells shifted to one side like a deck of cards, a servo came loose from the body, chip out of the center of the auto gear, broke the cable tie for the esc and striped the wires, feather shaft bent, main shaft bent, tail shaft bent, body bent badly, any thing called fin or blade broke. Rudder servo mount broke off on one side. Amazingly the boom seemed ok?!?!?
As fun as it was to fly that Heli we must ask ourselves was this a well thought out murder, man slaughter, on purpose, or a simple mistake?
Only god, the pilot and the deceased know for sure. Hahahahaha Damn it anyway!