TOD (Time of Death) 13:35 12/24/2009
Above is the crash site, that is smoke from the battery in the lower right of the picture.
Pronunciation: \di-ˈmä-lish\
Function: transitive verb
1 a : tear down, raze b : to break to pieces : smash
2 a : to do away with : destroy b : to strip of any pretense of merit or credence
— de·mol·ish·er noun
— de·mol·ish·ment \-lish-mənt\ noun

I, (referred to as the demolisher from this point on), was flying my TREX600CF (referred to as the demolishment from that point on) on Christmas eve , coming out of a tail slide with a lot of speed, rolled it upside down and prio it coming left to right. Then I think to myself, prio flip on the move, yeah that would be cool. Mind you I've never done that before. The results are self explanatory as the demolisher, demolished the demolishment.
Just goes to show ya, start talking about cashing and it will happen.
Merry Xmas all!! 12/24/09.
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